About us

Sueño en la Fábrica began in France in 1992 when Alejandra Santander, Chilean singer and Didier Boyat, French musician and sound engineer first met.

Together, they compose, arrange and perform music in Sueño en la Fábrica.

7 albums have been created since 1992.

Sueño en la Fábrica is a concept of original sound with strong identity experienced in empty factories and developed on stage with many artists and musicians, but also with scientists.

From this musical mixture was born extraordinary shows, which mix several disciplines (dance, video, painting, theater, circus) and call up the imaginary through their rich atmospheres.

Sueño en la Fábrica present his shows in many countries each year and performs original music shows and movies.

Didier Boyat
Guitares, claviers, compos et arrangements,
conception du son, prises de son et mix
Alejandra Santander
Voix, compos et arrangements, paroles,
instruments additionnels, loop machines

L'activité de Sueño en la Fábrica est gérée par :

Aria Prod
Aria Prod

Ces structures sont régulièrement aidées par :

Le Conseil Général de l'Ain La Région Rhône-Alpes La DRAC Rhône-Alpes La Ville de Bourg-en-Bresse La SPEDIDAM
Le Conseil Général
de l'Ain
La Région
La Ville de